About  ›   Our mission

Our mission

At the Integral Academy our primary goal is the professional- level representation of the integral approach, teaching, research and development. In our background philosophy we think, that the Earth and our society are under a global change, the creation of the future is in our hands (or the hands of every man). Through investigation of a variety of ancient cultures, the  modern science, and based on our personal inner experiences we think, that evolution is currently moving into the direction to a peaceful global integration of man-orientation, the people-and the different points of views, nations, and to the direction of the spirit. In parallel hopefully there will be a change at the outside world:  is expected to have a change at the environmental-ecological and technological world as well. We call it step “from 5 to 6 ", reference to the integral development model level 5 and 6, where the 5 is the scientific -rational- capitalist world, the 6th is a holistic, systematic approached, integrated and empathetic approaches, which form a bridge to the transpersonal (spiritual) psychological stages.

We are working on the realization of this vision by spreading the integral approach locally in Hungary. We believe, that the scientific materialism of the XX. century, and the spiritual awakening of the second half of the century XX. (in our country it takes place since the '90s), and experiencing the child errors of the new ages- esoteric ambitions, from one side transcending them, on the other hand, maintaining their strengths, we represent a more matured  professional approach.

Responding to such complex problems and challenges, as local and global ecological, economic, psychological and social crisis, cultivating alone the science, the psychology, the ecology, or the spirituality is not sufficient. We need the intelligent synthesis- and management of them together. The XXI.th century integral approach gives a framework for this.

In addition to the training, our aim is to share the creatively, in our country improved integral knowledge-and applications between each other. We invite everyone, if you are using an integral approach in its territory, or incorporate new features, please share it with us and with the world community. If necessary, we help in the elaboration of the application and in the joint to the common. We take care about quality and about the professional cleanness of the theory. According to our experience, shorter courses are sufficient to look into the part- subjects and receive a foretaste, but for a high standard application of the integral theory, it is needed the completion of the three years training, because the approach inherently of its own nature, basing on a broad- and expert knowledge, whose acquisition requires investment of time and energy.

Our goals in short:

  • Spreading of the integral theory in Hungary, teaching, and the representation of its quality cleanness
  • Supporting the development of integral applications
  • Communication about the international integral life and about developments
  • Support of the domestic integral developments, and familiarize it with the international integral community.

We welcome those people on our training, who feels thinking in the same way, in addition they would like to get wide -ranging, high-standard knowledge and practical skills, and they resonate with our following values:



This is about the operating objectives of the Integral Academy trainings, about the principles, in the arrangement of the four quadrants. Our trainings are organized in such a way that we are working on the realization of multiple integral goals. We take into consideration the different sides of learning experience, the person, and the organization.

The common experiences of togetherness (LL objectives)

It is important for us, that our participants are learning in a joyful way. We have found, that the participant live through a progress, and she/he is happy if we are interested in her/his opinion, we give space to feedbacks, to individual manifestations, to dialogue and the unfolding of the personality. Therefore, we create a community, where we have a personal relationship with each other and we listen to each other. We bring our personal experience into the learning as well, which brings down the knowledge from the head.to the level of the cells.

The individual, inner experiences and development (UL objectives)

Our training is a self-development process at the same time. Besides presentations, many own-experienced self-knowledge therapy practices and exciting togetherness mature the personality of the participants. We create a situation for the participants, where they can give feedback to each other, and have the opportunity for self-recognition, that they cannot do in the everyday human environment.

We support the self-realisation of the participants as well. We encourage them to find the suitable parts for them in the curriculum that motivates them to enthusiasm, to fly, to create innovative discoveries. By the time they reach the professional essay, we encourage them to start an autonomous creation, implement their ability and their mission, using the here learned lessons. In addition, many of them already experience their talent evolving during the training, when they offer their help for the academy, to work on the subject they love to do the best.

The knowledge, the curriculum (UR objectives)

 We make the curriculum and the learning diverse. In addition to written sentences, we use audio-visual and multimedia tools - colour diagrams, photos, videos, music -, and also self-experienced practices to demonstrate the curriculum. Occasionally, we live through some aspects of the material, share with each other our experiences, which will result in the internal integration of the curriculum.

The taught knowledge is cutting-edge in Hungary and internationally as well. We belong to culturally creative people, who step out from the accustomed schemes, and give an innovative approach to their students, integrated in it the traditional views and the ancient philosophy as well.

Organization and social nesting (LR objectives)

Organizational goals

Development of our organization

Our organization is under development constantly. We settled for lifelong learning and development, where besides holding the positive principles of our organisation, we constantly improve the operation with tracking the living reality. We monitor our trainings, ask feedbacks from the participants verbally, through questionnaires, and we form the school’s future taking into consideration their opinion. We learn from the living events ourselves as well, and we turn this into the curriculum. Thus, learning is also common creation, and accessioning the big-common.

We collaborate with the participants

Determined, enthusiastic, developing, and wish-to-connect participants are invited- according to their capabilities and inner intentions - to participate in common projects later, to teach, to organise the life of the Academy and create own services.

Social goals

In our background philosophy we think, that Earth and our society are under a global change, the creation of the future is in our hands (or the hands of every man). Through investigation of a variety of ancient cultures, the  modern science, and based on our personal inner experiences we think, that evolution is currently moving into the direction to a peaceful global integration of man-orientation, the people-and the different points of views, nations, and to the direction of the spirit. In parallel hopefully there will be a change at the outside world:  is expected to have a change at the environmental-ecological and technological world as well. We call it step “from 5 to 6 ", reference to the integral development model level 5 and 6, where the 5 is the
scientific -rational- capitalist world, the 6th is a holistic, systematic approached, integrated and empathetic approaches, which form a bridge to the transpersonal (spiritual) psychological stages.

We are working on the realization of this vision by spreading the integral approach locally in Hungary. We believe, that the scientific materialism of the XX. century, and the spiritual awakening of the second half of the century XX. (in our country it takes place since the '90s), and experiencing the child errors of the new ages- esoteric ambitions, from one side transcending them, on the other hand, maintaining their strengths, we represent a more
matured  professional approach.
Responding to such complex problems and challenges, as local and global ecological, economic, psychological and social crisis, cultivating alone the science, the psychology, the ecology, or the spirituality is not sufficient. We need the intelligent synthesis- and management of them together. The XXI.th century integral approach gives a framework for this.


Integrál Impulzus Kft.
