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About Integral theory


The above examples are wonderfully far-ranging in their focus and scale. This variety of integral theory in action speaks directly to the flexibility and coherence of its theoretical foundation: the AQAL model. By acknowledging the multifaceted nature of complex issues and problems, integral theory creates a space for multiple perspectives to contribute to the discovery of viable solutions. In our ever-evolving universe, integral theory issues to each of us a clarion call to strive towards inhabiting multiple perspectives—especially those that stand in contrast to our own habits of thinking and feeling. Only through developing such a worldcentric perspective can we adequately achieve the mutual understanding so desperately needed on a planet fragmented by conflicting worldviews and approaches. Practitioners of integral theory are committed to honoring and including the multidimensionality of reality as well as cultivating their own capacity for worldcentrism. It is this dual commitment of comprehensive acceptance and perspective-taking that allows the individuals and organizations in the above examples to be so successful in their respective integral endeavors—each one of them serving as an exemplar of what a more integral world looks and feels like. The world is an amazing, mysterious, and complex place. Integral theory’s all-inclusive framework is particularly well-suited for honoring the world in all its complexity and depth as well as shining a light on the path each of us can take to make a contribution and tackle the looming issues that will confront us in the 21st century.


I would like to thank Vipassana Esbjörn-Hargens, Lynwood Lord, Jordan Luftig, John Scheunhage, and David Zeitler for helpful comments that strengthened the quality of this overview.


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