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Galleries of the second year (ip2012)

Cognitive functioning and development, Perinatal II., E. Vizinger – 28 September 2013

Cognitive, moral, world view and faith development, E. Vizinger – 12 Oct 2013

Models of self-development on the levels, Elvira Kácsándi – 2 November 2013

Models of self-development and their integr., E. Kácsándi, E. Vizinger – 23 Nov 2013

Human needs and defense mechanisms, Erzsébet Vizinger – 7 December 2013

Shaping of sexuality and relationships, Bence Gánti – 4 January 2014

Characteristics of human relations, J. Szamosi M.D., R. Bőr - 15 February 2014

Physiology-anatomy: the nervous system and the brain, Cs. Halas – 1 March 2014

Beck-Cowan: the system of spiraldynamics, Örs Horváth – 22 March 2014

A systematic overview of spiritual experiences part 1., T. Paulinyi - 5 April 2014

A systematic overview of spiritual experiences part 2., B. Gánti B., T Paulinyi, B Tarr - 19 April 2014

Integration of the studies of developmental lines and developing an integrative thinking capacity part 1., B. Gánti - 3 May 2014

Therapeutic Communication part 7., Bence Gánti - 4 May 2014

Integration of the studies of developmental lines and developing an integrative thinking capacity part 1., B. Gánti - 7 June 2014
Integrál Impulzus Kft.
