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News & Events

Joy-Being-Play / Authentic Play performance & taster workshop and 2 day workshop with Angela Halvorsen Bogo

Ha MAGYAR érdeklődő vagy, regisztrációért KATTINTS IDE!



'You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation.’


The benefits of 'Authentic Play', are that we co-operate rather than compete, including all levels of our humanity, especially our bodies, senses and emotions, and collectively open up a high level of presence, connection and freedom. In this open state each person has the potential to heal and transform themselves and the group.


Course leader

Angela Halvorsen Bogo (Norway) has 35 years’ teaching experience for non-performers using the principles of connection and presence learnt as a clown and storyteller. Her workshops, retreats and courses are fun, profound and transformative. She is a specialized clown trained to work with people with dementia, and those caring for them, has been a professional storyteller since 1990 when she was apprenticed into the oral storytelling tradition of the Scottish Travellers. She has developed work that connects people through performance and training in over 30 countries.

Angela trained in improvised theatre and clowning. She was apprenticed to Duncan Williamson, a Master Storyteller of the Scottish Travelling People. Based in a Celtic Monastic community she led a nationwide storytelling initiative in the UK for 6 years. She currently teaches workshops and leads retreats internationally. She is a storyteller, clown, director and coach. She offers online courses in developing peoples' creative projects and spiritual development.


Angela's introduction for this event:


For the performance & taster workshop - Transformational Storytelling and Play
2 December 2016, 6.00-8.00 p.m.

Angela Halvorsen Bogo has worked with this way of being and playing as a performer for 35 years. In the second half of the evening she will demonstrate her practice through the healing arts of storytelling and song. The particular focus will be the potential for magic and transformation in this season of mid-winter, the celebration of light in the darkness and the approach of Christmas.


For the Authentic Play workshop
3-4 December 2016, 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Play is the primary way human beings develop a vast and sophisticated set up inter-relational capacities. When we play for its own sake rather than to compete or win, we begin to access the wisdom of the body, of our senses and intuition, capacities that go beyond language. Play can be a delightful way to practice and trust own presence.

 The workshop uses accessible and simple ways to play. We look at how limiting and closing competitive play can be and how to open up to something much more inclusive and energizing. The process teaches you how you can create a non-competitive, disarming environment around yourself and in relation to others. It is about unlearning ways of being and unhelpful habits of self-protection and landing in a deeper trust of and appreciation of yourself and others. Here it is possible to communicate with people without language.

The workshop needs no previous experience.

Experience the ‘flow state’ that opens you to vast creativity, freedom and connection in the moment. Authentic Play evolved out of Angela’s 35 year professional life as a storyteller, clown and teacher living with a focus on the present moment. She has developed this work around three archetypes: healing the Child, engaging the Warrior, but most of all, enjoying the moment through the Fool.


Each workshop is unique, emerges totally differently each time. It evolves with YOU in collaboration.

The workshop liberates you from restrictions through play. You will really enjoy yourself, go way beyond win/loose, right/wrong games and be transformed in a light, accepting energy field.


What happens in the workshop?

  • you will be immersed in your natural, creative self for two days
  • see through illusions that keep you from being happy, right now
  • be a part of a fun, spontaneous and collaborative experience
  • be with people who also want to transform
  • learn to release what you are not, to make room for everything you can become
  • leap into higher awareness of your true self
  • explore the possibilities of playing and following your passion
  • undo stress and anxiety that keep you from truly living
  • see new opportunities all around you
  • laugh and enjoy yourself for two days
  • learn that you have a powerful gift that the world needs
  • develop your creativity and intuition
  • learn to trust life and yourself
  • learn how to work with group energies
  • live from who you are on a deeper level



This workshop is the culmination of many years practice. Angela works with a range of tools drawing from, improvisation, clowning, meditation and heart centred exercises, authentic relating, music, dance, play, relaxation, dialogue and storytelling.

The work is a deep exploration of the archetype of the Fool: a way to access being present, awake and happy.

Watch Angela talk about the fool on these two YouTube videos:


Date and venue

Performance & taster workshop (Please choose 'Lecture' on the registration form.)
2 December 2016, 6.00-8.00 p.m.
Magnet House, Juhar room (Budapest VI., Andrássy road 98.)

Authentic Play workshop (2 days)
Maximum 30 participants
3-4 December 2016, 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Park Inn Hotel by Radisson Budapest, Hologram room (Budapest XIII., Szekszárdi street 16-18.)


Participant fee

Performance & taster workshop (Please choose 'Lecture' on the registration form.): EUR 15

Authentic Play workshop (2 days): EUR 195

The amount may be transferred via bank transfer or TransferWise.
IMPORTANT! Your registration is valid and your place is secured at the lecture/workshop after we have received your payment. 
Since bank transfers and TransferWise take a few days to clear on our accounts, we accept bank transfer and TransferWise payments until 30th November. Afterwards you can pay in cash at the venue, before the training. Thank you for your understanding.

Bank transfer to our bank account:
Beneficiary's name: Integrál Impulzus Kft.
Beneficiary's address: H - 1121 Budapest, Ördögszikla út 7
The name and address of Beneficiary's bank: CIB Bank Zrt., H - 1027 Budapest, Medve utca 4-14
Beneficiary's IBAN number: HU09 1070 0392 6837 8679 5000 0005

Please, indicate your name in the reference text in case your company transfers for you or if you transfer from a different account than yours.
Please include 'Authentic Play performance & taster workshop and/or workshop' in the reference text.


TransferWise (
We accept only Euro. Please set “Recipient gets” to EURO (don’t set to HUF - Hungarian Forint, our account is a Euro account)
Send money to a bank account
Recipient, full name: Integral Impulzus Kft (this is the company name of Integral Academy in Hungary)
Recipient's address: H - 1121 Budapest, Ördögszikla út 7
IBAN: HU09 1070 0392 6837 8679 5000 0005
Bank's country: Hungary
Bank's city: Budapest
Bank's Address: Medve utca 4-14
Bank's postal code: 1027

Please include your name and 'Authentic Play performance & taster workshop and/or workshop' in the reference text.



If you have any questions regarding payment or registration, please, contact us!
Zsuzsanna Szekeres,


Thank you!
Integral Academy

Integrál Impulzus Kft.
