Erzsébet Vizinger
I am especially interested in the themes of fear of death-mourning-passing away and also in spiritual crises and the possibilities of professional spiritual counselling and education.
I am a volunteer and a tutor of the Hungarian Crisis-intervention Team. My professional work is done in an integral approach.
Fear of death and the acceptance of death among teenagers, young adults, middle aged and elderly people, Szeged University, Faculty of Arts, (2005)
- Facilitating mourners with autogenic training, Eötvös Lóránd Science University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, (2009)
- Protocol of psychological activities of police forces, Police Scientific Technical and Innovation Council (clinical, advisory and special psychological activities parts), (2009)
- Mourning and autogenic training, Kharón, Thanatology Review, 2010/1
- Psychoanalysis, Integral Academy, Budapest, (2011)