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1. From Ken Wilber’s “Foreword” in Frank Visser’s book, Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion (2003), pp. xii-xiii.

2.  A complete listing of Ken Wilber’s work can be found in Appendix 2 of Brad Reynolds’ book, Embracing Reality: The Integral Vision of Ken Wilber (2004). Most of this material can be found in Wilber’s Collected Works.

3. Frank Visser reports that 22 of Ken Wilber’s books have been translated into over 25 languages, thus making Wilber the most translated academic author in the United States. Visser reports: “Up till now his books have been translated into German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Latvian, Estonian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Serbian, Greek, Hindi, Chinese (China and Taiwan), Korean, Swazi, Japanese, Polish, Danish, Swedish, and Latvian. In addition to these, some illegal editions have appeared in African and Indian dialects.” For a chart of all these translations, see www.integralworld.net/translations.html.

4.  There is an important difference between integral studies and integral theory. Integral studies is the broader category and includes integral thinkers such as Jean Gebser, Sri Aurobindo, Ken Wilber, and Ervin Laszlo. In contrast, integral theory is a subset of integral studies, which focuses primarily on Ken Wilber’s work and is committed to the critique, application, and theoretical development of the AQAL model. The field of meta-theory includes the work of individuals like Roy Bahskar and George Ritzer.

5. See the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice for articles in these and many other disciplines.

6. Note that the examples given for each quadrant are not correlated between themselves; they only represent single examples for each quadrant.

7. For further information on these efforts, consult their respective websites: 1) Journal of Integral Theory and Practice (www.integraljournal.org); 2) John F. Kennedy University’s Department of Integral Theory (www.jfku.edu/integraltheory); 3) The Integral Research Center (www.integralresearchcenter.org); and 4) the international biennial Integral Theory Conference (www.integraltheoryconference.org).

8. In addition to these titles, it is worth mentioning that in 2009 two anthologies will be published by SUNY press, one on integral education and one on integral theory.

9.  See the resource page at www.integralresearchcenter.org for listings of all the published material in these areas.

10.  A full description of this project can be found at www.integralresearchcenter.org.

11.  All quotes in this paragraph come from www.onesky.ca, which can be visited for more information on this project.

12.  Visit http://www.sifco.ca for more information on this project.

13.  Integral Coach is a registered trademark in Canada and owned by Integral Coaching Canada, Inc. For information on their trainings see their website: www.integralcoachingcanada.com.

14.  For an extensive overview and introduction to Integral Coaching Canada’s approach, see issue 4(1) of the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice , which is devoted entirely to their work.

15. Visit www.truthisnotenough.com for more information


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